Thursday, December 11, 2008

Me, I want a hula hoop!

Heights of Fashion: A history of the elevated foot is definitely something I want to check out before the exhibit's March 8 best-before date. The hise and fall of the high heel in Western fashion over the past 500 years. Gorgeous shoes and history? Sign me up.

The other thing keeping me going today is this classic Christmas tune. I remember the movie from when we were kids, even more than that, I remember the book. With the lyrics to this song. Please Christmas, don't be laaate! Only two weeks!


  1. You know those three guys have been singing the same damn song for... well a hell of a long time...

    Look... Alvin snapped...

  2. I know it sounds weird, but that song makes me feel so sad. I guess it's so full of kid memories, and this time of year makes me wish I werent an adult. :)

  3. Im always fascinated by gorgeous heels. I have my eye on some naughty monkeys right now. I will not rest until I have them! :p
