Sunday, March 22, 2009

Two hours of pitying glances. Tears wiped from my makeup-less face. A single, wet plait against my neck.

As I rest my head against the frosted train window, an ironic yellow sticker proclaims "Support the Inconvenience" in blue ink. An ironic sign from a higher power, as I wait for a message that I know won't come.

Two hours is the commute from my present life to my future. 

The only thing moving is me.

As I near my destination, covered in puddles, slush and snow, my steps slow and my form gets smaller. I can't help but thinking that maybe believing you're strong is the greatest weakness of all.


  1. Elle Bee: Where are you off to?

  2. *hug* No, it's a strength. Trust me.

  3. Oh Honeybunch,
    Make that a group hug. If only being strong meant things would just bounce right off you with no pain, eh?
    Hope you're doing all right.

  4. I knew you weren't ok.... what's up? You know you can tell me. I love you.
