Sunday, November 15, 2009

New beginnings

I'm sitting in a dorm room with a light that is just not bright enough.

I was thankful to meet a fellow Edmontonian waiting in the line for a taxi to campus, it makes me feel less badly about ignoring the voices outside my door. I'd feel weird just opening it to join in the conversation. I'm terrified of new people -- they make me nervous.

I'm looking ahead to three weeks of school, ensuring my readings are done for tomorrow's class (don't want to get behind already), and thinking of the things I didn't bring and should have -- my CP style book, the alarm clock I've had since I was eight years old, and some more courage (perhaps in the form of wine). Somebody call the Wizard.

I have a date for breakfast, and I'll sleep cuddled up to the Boy's pillow.

These next three weeks may very well kill me.


  1. lies. You are going to be amazing, you're going to find twenty people who want to take you for a drink, and you're going to wow everyone with your a)smarts b) ability to match and c) killer smile.
    I love you.

  2. lies. You are going to be amazing, you're going to find twenty people who want to take you for a drink, and you're going to wow everyone with your a)smarts b) ability to match and c) killer smile.
    I love you.

  3. Reading this made me think of my time spent in the dorms when I didnt know anyone. Don't be afraid to open the door, you never know what sort of fun people await on the other side. Sending hugs.

  4. Oh my goodness, this sounds intense! You'll blow them all away though, I know it. Good luck, lady <3

  5. Chin up, friend! You will be amazing. Remember the last year you spent in school and the wonderful friends you made - we're rooting for you! Think of the new friends and adventures that await...

  6. Ack, people make me nervous too. But the end is in sight, and you're lovely and wonderful, you'll get through it... good luck!

  7. Good luck with your class! Here's wishing you a great three weeks!

  8. I say, be brave and open that door a little bit at a time. How else are you going to find people to share some liquid courage with?

    Anyway, I can't think of anyone more well-equipped to take on three weeks of school and win.

    And hey, if you need to consult the CP style guide, I'm pretty much surrounded by copies at all times so give me a shout!
    Good luck!
