Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I've taken off more time than I should. I've taken time to reconnect in the offline world. I've knit B a hat and crocheted many granny squares. I've been visiting with old friends and rocking out. I've been on the phone and communicating via email with people I've missed; hopefully, I'll keep this up.

There are too many lovely people in my life that I don't want these friendships to slide. School is important, but so is my support network.

I need to make time to connect with people, crochet, bake cookies and beat B at Scrabble. Otherwise, it's not worth it.


  1. Very, very true, you have to have balance! You don't want to be too lost in school anyways =)

  2. i second Kyla's comment. taking time for yourself to reconnect with your life is always a good thing.

  3. It sounds to me like you've taken off the perfect amount of time.
    Also, I love the thought that sometimes when I'm sitting around crocheting old ladies to shame, you're across the country doing the same thing.

  4. With the age we live in and all of the technology and such, communicating face-to-face can actually surprisingly refreshing!

  5. learning to find balance is always a struggle - I hope you are able to find the right mix. xoxo

  6. So true - and taking time off for the real world is so important; this past week away was enormous in having no ties to anything but the immediate moment, to enjoy everything that was around me. Right now D is in the middle of marking a bazillion exams and preparing for a quarterbacking academy he's starting in March, and I keep telling him - MAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF and things he enjoys, or he'll just burn out!
