Tuesday, August 4, 2009

On the road

I didn't even fall asleep on the 7-hour trek to Cypress Hills. This is quite the feat, as anytime I'm in a vehicle with the motor running my Pavlovian response is to pass out.

The Boy's parents live in the [inter]provincial park, and it's always a giant nature love fest to go visit. Seriously. Watching the fawn frolicking in the backyard as we were roasting hotdogs had me so enthralled I didn't even think of my camera. We toured the Conglomerate Cliffs, had a picnic lunch at the most delightful little campground, tested out my birthday golf clubs, and hit up the Cypress winery.

It was a long weekend that felt like a week. A much needed rest. It even eased my no-money woes... for now.


  1. I need to get out of the city more. Those photos have me craving big trees and wide open spaces.

  2. Do you know what else can ease your no-money woes? Loving me. ;)

  3. My thought as I looked at those pictures? I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE! I so want a little break away from day to day life.

    Glad you got some much needed rest!
